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About Us

Our team is probably the most diverse group of people ever put in one place, but we all have one thing in common, well a couple things, okay a few things.

All of us have some type of background in engineering and we all have a desire to make doing business easier for both the customers and the company owners. Some of our engineering experience goes back as far as the 1980’s (that’s right folks, big hair, leg warmers, the Walk-Man...), when computers were just beginning to show us the possibilities of what they could offer us in the future.

Some of us are strong in software development, hardware, technical expertise and customer service. About five…maybe ten years ago (we are mostly guys with no sense of time), some of us decided to veer off from our professional career path and ventured out into other types of industry, construction, management and automotive were just a few. But one (the smart one, the visionary, the Grand Pu Ba, The Man) ventured into the embellishment industry and discovered that screen printing and embroidery was awesome with tons of great, creative people that were not afraid to get their hands dirty (literally...have you seen our hands?).

So, we brought our collective backgrounds to the table. We felt that some things in this industry could be changed, and one was customers being able to use a design studio by themselves…on-line. We looked around and found a lot of great companies that already had this idea and launched their products years ago, but they were very advanced… too advanced for the typical Joe Schmo who just wanted to have some shirts made for his brother’s bachelor party. There were lots of terms like “layers” and “vector” and most customers thought of onions and Star Wars (think about it . . .) and had no idea what that meant. All they wanted to do is design a shirt, not become a Graphic Designer. We also found other issues with these high-end, high-cost products. If all you wanted to do is design a t-shirt, being required to pick a t-shirt from over 20 different brands and styles was a distraction and took away the fun and created frustration for the customer. Lastly, and most importantly, we found the cost of the service to be far too expensive for the small to mid-sized shop. The startup cost was huge, and the monthly fee on top of that was a bit to high for most shops to afford.

That brings us to our Design Studio. We wanted to K.I.S.S. it (Keep It Simple Stupid)! A Design Studio for everyone. It is simple to use, easy to setup and all at a low cost. We hope you feel the same way.

Thank you,

Design Studio Team


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